Shippam & Associates takes great pride in the products we distribute. If your order arrives not matching your approved art approval, or the product is defective, we will offer the following guarantee:
For any further information regarding the Shippam & Associates guarantee or to arrange a return, please email with your order number and any additional details you may be able to provide regarding the return.
We ask that items be returned at your expense with the tags still affixed (for clothing) within 7 business days of receiving your order. Simply email or call 1-800-584-0714 in advance of shipping your merchandise back, you will be issued a return authorization number to accompany your return. Please ensure this is clearly marked on the outside of the return.
Shippam & Associates
865 King Edward Street
Winnipeg MB R3H 0P8
Attention: Returns/Exchanges
865 King Edward St.
Winnipeg, MB CANADA
© Shippam & Associates 2025